Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Started work!

Today was a first in several ways- I finally had a decent night's sleep, I saw the Himalaya mountains, but most importantly I started work with the community health workers here at Landour Hospital.  In short, the community health workers help increase the quality of life in the villages surrounding the hospital.  Dr. Anil Cherian, the head of all of EHA's community health projects, asked me to summarize each of the projects' operations, goals, and successes.  I am very excited about this task, since I know it will really help the organization.

As I interviewed the head of the community health project here at this hospital, it was encouraging and humbling at the same time.  I was encouraged to hear about the great success the project has achieved.  It is clear that God is working here in India, especially among the poor.  This is one of the things that has always encouraged me on my visits to India- it reminds me that God is real, and He does work through us.  As I talked to to the worker, we discussed how unique it is that the workers here at Landour Hospital live among the villages they serve.  I asked him if this means that Landour is an example for all of the other hospitals-  his response was remarkable.  He responded "Well, yes, but Jesus is our example."  His answer demonstrated the focus on Christ that many of the workers here have, and the focus that I need to have more of.

On a completely different note, Landour hospital is located on the side of a mountain.  Take a short walk up to the top, and the snow-capped Himalayas come into view- it's really incredible.

Well, that's it for now.  I move to a different hospital tomorrow, so I'll be updating this soon!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Hey Everyone!

This blog is where I'll be posting pictures and information during my upcoming trip to India.  I look forward to working with the Emmanuel Hospital Association (EHA), a network of hospitals that works to serve the poor and marginalized in India.  EHA's medical service to the poor shines a light for Christ in ways that specifically and powerfully impact Indian culture.  I plan to work with each hospital's Community Health Project, a project by each hospital that pushes medicine (and as a result, the Gospel) out into the surrounding rural villages.  I am blessed to be able to serve alongside this organization!

While you're still reading, I'd really appreciate prayer for a few different things while I'm in India.

-  Continued health is one of the biggest prayer requests I have.  India can be tough as it relates to staying well.  Pills and shots can only do so much - on my previous trips, I've seen that many times, I need to rely on God to keep me healthy.

-  Safety can be issue in some of the places where I'll be visiting.  I'll just keep this short and ask for prayer for safety and travel.

-  I will be spending roughly six weeks away.  In India, this would be incredibly draining if I tried to do it by myself.  Fortunately, I don't have to :).  Prayers for God-given energy would be greatly appreciated.

-  Lastly, one of my personal prayers, in addition to those above, would be for a servant's attitude.  I want to help the mission there as much as I possibly can.  As I said above, I am planning to work with the hospitals' Community Health Projects.  However, as I have learned before, plans can change in India on very short notice.  Please pray that I would be open to however God wants to use and change me on this trip.

Thank you for your prayers.  I really appreciate them!

I will be leaving January 27 and anticipate coming back on March 14.  This blog will be my primary means of updating my progress.  I'll also be updating my Facebook profile, my Twitter account (@dandrew94), and even sending out an email or two if there are large updates.

Check back often, and thanks for your prayers!